Board Meeting Highlights
Beach Sand – thank you Paul Dietzen and Bobby Munoz for help in getting our sand spread. More help needed!
Pavilion Roof – does anyone have ties to a roofing company and would be willing to help with our pavilion roofing project?
Piers – hands needed to help repair our piers prior to beach clean up in May.
Deed Violation – board members will be making rounds to make sure all residents are obeying the deed restrictions.
Cuba Township – W Lake Shore Drive and Tara/Wagon Wheel in Heritage Trails will be getting repaved. Shredding/Recycling event at Cuba Township April 13th 8-11. Mulch orders are now being taken!
Dues established for 2019-2020 – Please wait to get your invoice from the association treasurer before sending anything in! Will be coming in a mailbox near you mid to late April.
Willing to lend a hand with any of these projects?
Please contact Maria at [email protected]
Social Update
2019 Easter Egg Hunt & Yoga Classes in the Neighborhood!
Easter Egg Hunt – Our Timberlake Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Sunday, April 14th at 1:00. There will be an egg hunt, bunny visit and back by popular demand…Gordy the Bubbler! Be prepared to be amazed by his bubbles. We need help hiding Easter eggs. If you can help, please meet at the beach by 11am on Sunday, April 14th. Shouldn’t take more than an hour! THANK YOU to Dave Mcgranahan for donating candy to our egg hunt and for all the ladies of Timberlake who helped fill the eggs.
Yoga in the Neighborhood – Maria Wubbs is hosting yoga classes at her house on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 at 428 E Oakwood. It’s $40 for 4 classes. If you’re interested please contact Maria at 847-606-5334.
Did You Know? – All approved minutes from our board meetings can be found on the Timberlake Website in the “resources” tab.
Timberlake Civic Association Board