The Timberlake Corn Roast, which has been hosted by the Dietzen Family on Labor Day weekend for dozens of years, has been postponed this year – due to the limitation on gatherings in the current environment.
This special tradition of our community was upheld for years by Paul and Candy Dietzen. Paul took over duties as head corn roaster from former Timberlaker Mike Nelson, who like Paul had grown up on the neighborhood, and whose father Harry Nelson had started it all decades ago.
In recognition of the extensive involvement and extraordinary contributions to our community that Paul made, the Timberlake Civic Association board last month authorized the dedication of the open shelter at the Timberlake Beach property, to be named the Paul Dietzen Memorial Pavilion.
A dedication ceremony program is being planned for the coming months, which may coincide with a re-scheduled Corn Roast evening later in the fall or it may be held as a separate event. A group of neighbors and friends are donating a new cupola with a sailboard-themed wind vane for the roof of the pavilion, reflecting one of Paul’s favorite pastimes.
Watch for an announcement of more details soon, or contact any Board Member if you’re interested in participating with a donation.
Dig for Treasure at the Timberlake Beach
All kinds of treasures have been buried at the beach. Start digging and keep whatever you find! The Timberlake Tot who collects the most googly eyes by Labor Day wins a special prize!
New Beach Signs
There will be two new beach signs at our beach property. One in the very front of the property as you come in and one by the boat rack. As a community, we are all responsible for making sure only residents are using our beach property. If you notice someone you don't recognize, please don't hesitate to ask them if they are residents. The new signs will say:
Lake and Surrounding Areas
You Must be a Timberlake Estates Resident
or an Accompanied Guest
to enter this property.
Must have ID.
Subject to $500 Fine, in accordance with
Criminal Trespass Statute 720 ILCS 5/21-3
Patrolled in cooperation with Lake County Sheriff
24 x 7 Video Surveillance in Use
Other Topics Discussed at the August 2020 Board Meeting
Cuba Township will start curbside leaf pick up this fall, more details to come! Some additional new road signs are in print and will be installed by Cuba Township, it has been a bumpy road with the address changes. Update on the parking lot project which will involve replacing the barriers. Possible Christmas light display at the beach property for the holidays. Discussion on replacing some trees at the beach property. Non-residents can't "opt into" Timberlake by paying dues, you must buy a house within the Timberlake borders to be a resident and use our beach property. Discussion about houses for sale and keeping some kind of running report of this.
Semi-Annual Meeting will be Saturday, September 26th at 1pm via zoom:
If the link does not work for you, open zoom and manually enter this meeting ID and password:
Meeting ID: 890 7218 5653
Password: 461524
Join Meeting by Telephone:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
All residents welcome to these board meetings the 3rd Thursday of every month!